English Uncut Printing, Book & Drawing Paper Sizes

Before the advent of ISO 216, England, the British Isles and the British Commonwealth countries used a variety of paper sizes, many of which have unusual names such as Double Crown, Elephant, Double Elephant, Demy, Double Pott and Columbier. Although they are now almost forgotten these paper sizes may still be obtained from specialist paper manufacturers such as James Cropper plc by special order.

Uncut Book & Drawing Paper Sizes

The following table gives the sizes in inches and mm of old English uncut book and drawing paper sizes, together with their aspect ratio.

Size Width x Height (in) Width x Height (mm) Aspect Ratio
Foolscap 14.0 x 18.75 in 355.6 x 476.3 mm 1:1.3393
Demy 15.5 x 20 in 393.7 x 508.0 mm 1:1.2903
Medium 17.5 x 22.5 in 444.5 x 571.5 mm 1:1.2857
Royal 19.0 x 24.0 in 482.6 x 609.6 mm 1:1.2632
Imperial 22.0 x 30.25 in 558.8 x 768.4 mm 1:1.375
Elephant 23.0 x 28.0 in 584.2 x 711.2 mm 1:1.2174
Double Elephant 26.5 x 40.0 in 673.1 x 1016.0 mm 1:1.5094
Atlas 26.25 x 34.0 in 666.75 x 863.6 mm 1:1.2952
Columbier 23.5 x 24.5 in 596.9 x 622.3 mm 1:1.0426
Antiquarian 31.0 x 53.0 in 787.4 x 1346.2 mm 1:1.7097

In the table above you see the uncut Foolscap size of 14 x 18¾ inches, that can be compared with the cut foolscap paper size of 13¼ x 16½ inches.

Uncut Printing Paper Sizes

The following table gives the sizes in inches and mm of old English uncut printing paper sizes, together with their aspect ratio.

Size Width x Height (in) Width x Height (mm) Aspect Ratio
Crown 16.25 x 21.0 in 412.8 x 533.4 mm 1:1.2923
Double Crown 20.0 x 30.0 in 508.0 x 762.0 mm 1:1.5
Quad 30.0 x 40.0 in 762.0 x 1016.0 mm 1:1.3333
Demy 17.75 x 22.5 in 450.9 x 571.5 mm 1:1.2676
Double Demy 22.5 x 35.5 in 571.5 x 901.7 mm 1:1.5778
Medium 18.25 x 23.0 in 463.6 x 584.2 mm 1:1.2603
Royal 20.0 x 25.0 in 508.0 x 635.0 mm 1:1.25
Super Royal 21.0 x 27.0 in 533.4 x 685.8 mm 1:1.2857
Double Pott 15.0 x 25.0 in 381.0 x 635.0 mm 1:1.2459
Double Post 19.0 x 30.5 in 482.6 x 774.7 mm 1:1.6667
Foolscap 13.5 x 17.0 in 342.9 x 431.8 mm 1:1.5882
Double Foolscap 17.0 x 27.0 in 431.8 x 685.8 mm 1:1.5882

Click the following links for Modern international uncut paper sizes RA1, RA2, RA3, RA4, SRA1, SRA2, SRA3 & SRA4 and US uncut paper sizes


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